ISBA Leadership

Notice of Board of Governors Vacancy: Area VII – 1st, 2nd, and 4th Circuits

Any member who is interested in being a candidate to fill the vacancy must submit biographical information (no more than two pages) with a statement of candidacy to the Executive Department no later than May 27, 2022.

Elected Leadership

The ISBA is governed and administered by an elected president, a 27-member Board of Governors, and a 203-member Assembly.

  • President - The Association’s principle executive officer and is responsible for directing and supervising the Association’s activities.
  • Officers and Board - The Board of Governors is the administrative and managing body vested with authority to conduct the Association’s business. It typically meets four times a year.
  • Assembly - The Assembly is the supreme governing body of the Association and meets twice a year. The Assembly has authority to establish and amend bylaws and policies, approves and reviews legislative and rulemaking efforts, and adopts budgets.
  • Past Presidents
  • Election Information

Section Councils and Committees

Much of the Association’s work on behalf of its members is carried out by its 41 substantive law section councils and numerous working committees. These groups provide practice area information, continuing legal education, and forums for professional discussion. These groups also have the benefit of serving as an incubator for ISBA involvement and leadership.

Governing Documents and Policies

The Illinois State Bar Association (ISBA) is organized under Illinois’ Not for Profit Corporation Act and it is a 501(c)(6) tax exempt organization. As a complex organization, the ISBA acts and operates in accordance with a number of formal documents such as bylaws and polices. These bylaws and policies touch subjects like dues, membership rights, elections, and overall organizational structure.

Strategic Plan

Related Organizations

The ISBA has important relationships with other legal related entities in order to provide comprehensive services to the membership and entire Illinois legal profession.